Mt. Shasta Community Café
City Park Upper Lodge, 1315 Nixon Road, Mt. Shasta, CA 96067
Monday-Thursday 11:45 a.m. – 12:15 p.m. Doors open at 11 a.m. and close at 1 p.m.
Give us a call 530-926-4611 to make your reservation.
To ensure we have enough meals prepared for all attendees, those interested in attending a congregate meal are required to notify us of their intention to participate no less than 6 hours prior to meal service time.

About the program
Siskiyou Senior Nutrition–Promoting socialization and a healthy, independent lifestyle.
Congregate meals offer nutritional and social benefits. Seniors often have a difficult time cooking interesting food for themselves. Community Cafés provide great nutrition through delicious meals–keeping seniors healthy and secure. Seniors can connect and enjoy meals together, creating friendships and getting to know other members of their community.
Great Northern Services manages a Community Café in the Mt. Shasta City Park Upper Lodge for seniors to frequent. All of the meals we offer feature complex carbohydrates, nutrient-packed vegetables, and healthy proteins. We also have options to meet common dietary restrictions, such as a diabetic or gluten-free diet.
Major program funding comes from the Federal level (authorized by the Older Americans Act), and additional state funds administered by the CA Department of Aging, and USDA meal reimbursement.
Since Federal and State grant funding covers only a portion of actual meal costs, senior participants are given the opportunity to support their program with a suggested meal donation of $4.00 for congregate meals (meal sites).
Additional donations are always appreciated and are critical to keeping senior services fully funded.
Great Northern Services operates this program funded under the Older Americans Act through PSA 2, Area Agency on Aging and California Department of Aging.
As an organization dedicated to providing help to families and individuals with limited means, we are proud to be part of a support system that ensures the nutritional needs of older adults are met, and that the meals are accessible despite physical or financial circumstances.
Home Delivered Meals
Delivery days: Monday-Wednesday
Locations serviced: Dunsmuir, McCloud, Mt. Shasta & Weed*
This service provides safe and nutritious meals delivered to the door of seniors residing within the four South County communities of Mt. Shasta, Weed, Dunsmuir, and McCloud, who meet home-delivery service criteria. The goal of this program is to reduce hunger and food insecurity while promoting the health and well-being of older individuals in an effort to delay adverse health conditions. Priority is given to frail, homebound, or isolated older adults. Volunteers or paid staff deliver meals to homebound clients. The volunteers or staff members delivering the meals have an important opportunity to provide some social contact for the homebound elder. Home Delivered Meals offer needed support for a homebound elder to remain safe in his or her own home. The suggested donation is $4.00 for home-delivered meals.
Enrollment is required; call (530) 926-4611.
*If you live in Yreka, Fort Jones & Montague: Contact Madrone Hospice at 530-841-2365 for information on their Meals on Wheels program
Referral Services
Siskiyou Senior Nutrition also offers referrals for other senior services:
- Medi-Care
- Social Security
- Supplemental health plans & prescription coverage
- Long-term health care
- Senior housing
- Tax preparation
- Veterans affairs
- Elder abuse prevention & reporting
- Caregiver support
- Legal matters