Great Northern Services announced this week that income qualified homeowners living within the Mount Shasta city limits may apply for low interest, long term loans to improve the conditions of their homes.
Funding for the program is available through the City of Mount Shasta, which recently received state approval to use Community Development Block Grant program income to supplement housing rehabilitation activity.
According to Finance Director Muriel Terrell, while the city in years past has expanded their CDBG funded programs to include housing rehabilitation, it is hoped that this year the program will reach a wider range of community members who can benefit from funding for smaller housing rehabilitation projects.
Great Northern Services will administer the program. “This is a great opportunity for homeowners to address things like deferred maintenance, ADA accessibility, and health and safety issues that may not be covered by other GNS programs such as Weatherization,” GNS Real Estate Development Director Rod Merys explained.
Eligible small projects for minor home repair include but are not limited to:
• Repairing or replacing siding, floor coverings, drywall, windows, doors, or roofs;
• Correcting substandard plumbing, electrical, or heating systems; and
• Painting, interior or exterior.
Qualifying household incomes for the housing rehabilitation program must be less than 80 percent of the county median income, which Merys said may be higher than people realize. For instance, the qualifying annual income for a single person household must be less than $31,850. A household of four must have an annual income of less than $45,500 in order to qualify. Homes eligible for the rehabilitation funding must be owner occupied and must be within the Mount Shasta city limits. All work must be performed by a licensed contractor.
“We’re thrilled to once again add the housing rehabilitation element to the other community services supported by the city’s CDBG funding – our fresh food program, snow removal for seniors, and security deposit assistance,” Terrell said.
For more information about the City of Mount Shasta’s housing rehabilitation program and to receive an application, call GNS Housing Rehabilitation Manager Larry Luce at (530) 938–4115, ext. 122, or Rod Merys at (530) 938–4115, ext. 112.